T&H Realty adds benefits without adding extra work

How Second Nature helped this property management firm scale their service offering across 1200 doors while reducing admin with a Resident Benefits Package.


T&H Realty Services


Jeremy Tallman, CEO


Third-party property management firm founded in 2007


Indianapolis, IN





Improving operations, like requiring renters insurance, without adding more admin work for the team. 



Implementing a resident benefits package that manages every aspect of renters insurance and more for them. 



T&H Realty saw an 11% increase in renters insurance compliance and reduced admin time by 25 hours per month. 



The RBP increased revenue by 12%.


As property management has evolved, T&H Realty’s CEO, Jeremy Tallman, keeps up by consistently adding services to improve the resident experience and protect the business. The first being renters insurance.

“We knew we had to start requiring it as it doesn’t make sense for owners to pay for other’s negligence,” notes Jeremy.

After implementing that policy, T&H had difficulty managing the program as they scaled.

“It was a mess. Every resident had a different policy (often not up to our standards) or it was missing key information like an additional interest party. Manually checking each resident’s policy and constant back and forth communication was costing us tons of people hours.”

Not only that, but some residents were failing to attain renters insurance, putting the business at risk and causing further frustration.

“That was an administrative nightmare and our compliance was nowhere near the levels we wanted. It was impossible to manage it all."



When it became too much to manage, Jeremy looked for a solution that would add critical benefits like renters insurance without adding more work. That’s when Jeremy found Second Nature.

By implementing RBP by Second Nature, they were able to offer a master renters insurance policy to every resident as part of their custom benefits package—simplifying the administration, ensuring compliance, and making the entire process easier for residents.

Beyond renters insurance, the RBP also included other benefits, such as recurring air filter deliveries, credit building, and more—eliminating the need to work with multiple vendors.

In Jeremy’s words, “It was wonderful. You gave us a lot of fantastic benefits without needing the people hours to manage it all. In fact, the owners love it, residents love it, and our staff loves it because it makes our jobs easier."



For T&H Realty, implementing a Resident Benefits Package resulted in:

  • 100% renters insurance compliance rates—11% higher than before
  • 25 fewer hours per month spent managing benefits
  • 12% increased revenue

Learn more about Second Nature

With fully-managed benefits and simple implementation, everyone wins with Second Nature’s industry-leading Resident Benefits Package. Learn how to create the ultimate experience that residents pay and stay for.

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